NJMentalHealthCares is New Jersey’s behavioral health information and referral service. Our profession staff of trained specialists uses their experience and understanding of the behavioral health system to provide callers information and connect them to the services they need, such as: legal, housing, employment, rehabilitation, inpatient and outpatient, self-help and more. Our specialists also provide supportive counseling on the telephone, psycho-education, advocacy and telephone case management to ensure every caller is linked to their desired service plan.

  • NJ MentalHealthCares uses most up-to-date listing of NJ’s public behavioral health services.
  • A follow-up call and ongoing telephonic case management is offered to every caller to assure satisfaction with referrals.
  • Callers can be transferred directly to a desired service, with our staff remaining on the line until the caller is comfortable.
  • Multi-lingual service is available

To access NJ MentalHealthCares, call, toll-free, 866-202-HELP (4357). People who are deaf may access the Helpline through 711 NJ Relay.

NJMentalHealthCares is a service of the Mental Health Association in New Jersey funded by the NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services.